The Safest Place for your Family's Health Care

We believe in treating diseases or ailments with a method that embodies wholesome and complete healing.

Our healing procedures encompass every element of a person's physical & mental health conditions with the remedies that are effective and therapeutic.

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Eternesse is celebrated for its special modus operandi of Holistic Healing with key specializations into Wellness & Exercise Medicine, Lifestyle Management Acute & Chronic Disorders.

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Our Specializations

  • Chronic Disorder Image

    Chronic Disorders

    We follow the best therapeutic methods in treating the long term diseases through comprehensive medical evaluation process and appropriate diagnosis. Understanding all the aspects will help our practitioners to be more holistic and integrated in our treatment process.

  • Exercise Medicine Image

    Exercise Medicine

    The specialised delivery Of Musculoskeletal and Physical Activity Medicine which has larger impact on general public through exercise patterns by history-taking examinations for accurate diagnosis.

  • Thyroid Disorders Image

    Thyroid Disorders

    A common and increasing problem in the country. We at Eternesse, provide the best medical and nutritional guidance with accurate diagnosis of all kinds of Thyroid Disorders.

  • Wellness Medicine Image

    Wellness Medicine

    A complete approach with the combination of disease treatments with health education and a healing-oriented medicine considering all aspects of lifestyle by making use of all appropriate therapies.

  • Pain Management Image

    Pain Management

    Our experienced Practitioners in various departments of Pain Management provides an interdisciplinary approach towards easing of suffering from chronic pains and improves the quality of life.

  • Hormonal Imbalance Image

    Hormonal Imbalance

    The major issue among the people due to various physical & mental factors. Our approach through integrated medicine gives better diagnosis and care for all your hormonal problems.


About our doctor

Dr. Sudha Chepyala

Dr. Sreesudha Chepyala


Dr. SreeSudha is an American Board Certified Physician, with a Doctor of Medicine from the prestigious Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, United States of America. She is affiliated with the NNEdPro Cambridge Summer School in Applied Human Nutrition and also the American Academy of Anti-Aging, Preventive and Regenerative Medicine (A4M) as well as Functional Medicine Programs in the USA. Her research and specialization in the areas of 'Genetically Modified Food (GMO) and its impact on human health', 'Gut Microbiome', 'Nutrigenomics' and'Epigenetics' have been well received among peers and have found critical acclaim at various international conferences such as WAAARNEM-Malaysia, INMA among others.

Get in touch

Leave a message using the contact form or reach out to us through the phone numbers / email address given below and get started on your healthcare journey now!